Policy and Publications

At NYCHA I led the creation of policy documents that guide the vision, design, and implementation of capital projects made throughout the portfolio. These documents are in use by industry, agency, and local partners to improve standard practice.

Connected Communities Guidebook

The Guidebook is now used in NYCHA Request for Proposals (RFPs) and has influenced the design of the public realm and stakeholder engagement at the Authority. It was awarded the Wellbeing Cities Award in 2020 for promoting urban wellbeing in cities.

Role: Primary author, editor, and project manager for the creation of the Guidebook. The text, diagrams, and case studies outline the urban design and visioning process for New York City's public housing communities.

Comprehensive Modernization Consultation White Paper

A publication guiding the program to completely renovate 110,000 public housing units. 

Role: Forming and leading cross-industry working groups, planning and leading a large-format virtual charrette/workshop with over 100 private and public sector industry leaders, and managing the production of this capstone publication.

 Open Space Masterplan

The most comprehensive study open space in public housing in the history of the Authority. This masterplan looked at over 100 housing developments--analyzing the existing conditions, current needs, and proposing a unique vision for the future for each side to spur community investment. This masterplan has been recognized nationally by the ASLA, and regionally by the AIA.

Role: Lead manager overseeing consultant production of the masterplan